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网址  2022-11-09  作者:admin    阅读:

Advantages and disadvantages of broken bridge aluminum doors and windows:
1、 Look at the profile surface quality
The quality of the profile can be observed from the surface of the broken bridge aluminum profile. The surface of a good broken bridge aluminum profile is glossy and textured, and the surface spraying color treatment will be natural, which makes it feel smooth; Second, the surface of the broken bridge aluminum doors and windows is rough, no luster, it looks unnatural. After a period of time, the poor broken bridge aluminum doors and windows will change color or fade, and the color is not full.
2、 Look at the profile section structure
好的断桥铝门窗型材切面几何角度精确,型材不会发生弯曲扭拧,角度端正。而且切面厚度足量,就比如您定制的60型号的断桥铝门窗,60是指型材州苗木 保定通风管道 丝网立柱模具 尼龙输送带 保定防水 保定空压机 高碑店养老院度为6公分,而这6公分为十足的断桥铝材质,穿条占的比重少;而较次的断桥铝门窗,就会采用虚撑的60型材,用穿条来撑起这个厚度,铝的材质比较少。
Good broken bridge aluminum door and window profile section geometry angle is accurate, profile will not bend twist, angle is correct. Moreover, the section thickness is sufficient. For example, the 60 type of bridge broken aluminum doors and windows customized by you, 60 means that the profile thickness is 6cm, and the 6cm is full of bridge broken aluminum material, and the proportion of threading is small; And the less broken bridge aluminum doors and windows, will use the virtual support of 60 profiles, with the bar to support this thickness, the aluminum material is less.
